Join MANuS/MatSci. Learn, share, lead, live Ubuntu!

Why to Join MANuS/MatSci?
MANuS/MatSci is UWC and UNIZULU Honours/MSc Program in Nuclear and Material Sciences. The University of the Western Cape (UWC), iThemba LABS and the University of Zululand (UNIZULU) started the MANuS/MatSci programme in 2004 as a Human Capital Development programme in the scarce skills of physics. With over 200 graduates, the Programme has been successful in training a large number of (mainly black) South African scientists who are currently working in research, industry and academia. Most of our students come from Historically Disadvantaged Backgrounds and over 90% are black South Africans. The Programme provides fully Funded Bursaries for 3 years.
Two important achievements

The formation of strong research groups at UWC and UNIZULU.
The establishment of a dedicated honours programme that is tailored to train honours students from mainly HDIs up to a level where they can excel as researchers.

The programme will build on this history and will continue to provide research students to the two universities and especially their research programmes, as well as link up and feed in to the proposed SAINTS programme at iThemba LABS. iThemba LABS has decided to no longer be a formal participant in the Manus/Matsci application, but students will continue to attend lectures presented as part of the SAINTS programme where approriate.
State-of-the-Art Teaching & Learning Capabilities

Modern African Nuclear DEtector LAboratories at UWC and UNIZULU
Awarded Fully Funded Bursaries
Nuclear Training at top Universities (York, Washington) and National and International Facilities iThemba LABS, CERN, MLL and TRIUMF
Seek Yourself Leading World-class Scientific Journals