Thank you all for being a big part of our history making!


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Craig Mehl (MSc, continuing with PhD) 
Developing a sorting code for Coulomb excitation data analysis

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George O’Neill (Postdoctoral Fellow 2016-18)

Dr Kushal Kapoor (Postdoctoral Fellow 2018-19) is now working at the University of Regina in Canada

Dr Skye Segal (Research Assistant) has designed with Kushal Kapoor, the ionization chamber that will be coupled to the GAMKA array at iThemba LABS

Dr Thifhelimbilu Daphney Bucher (Postdoctoral Fellow 2020-21). Now a Lecturer at CPUT.

“A Spartan chorus of warriors called out to the young men: Grow up to be yet braver than we!”

Theoretical Physics and Philosophical Problems: Selected Writings (Springer, 1974)
By Ludwig Boltzmann